Attention A&E Firms in Oakland & Beyond
Labels: architecture, caltrans, engineering, oakland
Labels: architecture, caltrans, engineering, oakland
Labels: ASCAP, BMI, food, licensing, music, oakland, restaurants
Labels: domestic violence, lake merritt, non-profit, oakland
From time to time, the Chamber is made aware of local business opportunities and projects relevant to our members and other community based organizations. See below for the most recent opportunity spotlight from the Port of Oakland:
Labels: port of oakland, RFP
**Bring your street to life for Oakland PARK(ing) Day on Friday, September 21!**
Labels: oakland, parking day, parklets
Labels: oakland, port of oakland, RFP
Labels: al davis, economic development, full court press, oakland chamber of commerce, oakland raiders
Labels: food, food manufacturing, oakland, restaurants
Labels: chamber of commerce, non-profit, oakland
Labels: amy lemley, barbara parker, elections, ignacio de la fuente, larry reid, mario juarez, oakland, oakPAC, political action committee, sean sullivan
Labels: city council, elections, oakland, poll
Labels: california, governor brown, office of business and economic development
So maybe you sent your youngster off with a new backpack and a thermos. Maybe you shipped your college student off with a few huge suitcases. For you, however, it’s time to get back to the matter at hand – succeeding at work (or finding work) and letting social media help you.
Labels: linkedin, social media